ActivArt Prototype

In this bachelor degree project at the Algiers High School of Fine Arts and Design. I designed and devlope a learning software prototype for artistic education as a complement to the face-to-face training.

The concept are about treating the content and the container separatly and with different design aproach.

The container, which allows navigation, is a conceptual and artistic expression. It is therefore through this course that the user accesses the educational content. The idea was to develop an interface linking and promoting interactions between the different actors of the school: students, teachers, environment, objects. Links are created as part of a mediated interaction; visual, sound or textual depending on the user’s choice. This could be done by displaying in background a cam recording of the previous user-student (being installed in several workstations in the school’s) or by playing a live sound recording of a another place in the school (classroom, cafeteria, etc.) using several microphones installed throughout the school.

Regarding the learning content of the software, I made a prototype for the chromatology study course (color theory) using the same method as the face to face workshop course. The user can view animationsand videos of the course then proceed to the suggested exercises.